
Archive for June, 2011

Two a day

Mr. J informs me that it is a bad time to apply for jobs since it is the end of the quarter; also, the holiday weekend looms, so no interviews are likely to be scheduled. Still, I got onto Craigslist this morning and immediately found an interesting temporary position. I would love a temp job, despite lack of needed benefits. The job was so new it wasn’t even on the company website which made applying more tricky; however, I fired off an email with resume, then got an email back which allowed me to register on their site, which I did. They had my resume saved, so I just had to append a cover letter and fill out my profile. It’s a legal assistant job, so that makes it even more exciting to me. Then, I jumped back onto Craigslist for another go, and clicked on an operations/research job. Operations was my first good job; I love back office and research work; why wouldn’t I look for that again? Even better, I got an email back asking me to take an online test, which I did. This is something new, but seems like an efficient way to screen applicants. I certainly didn’t ace the math questions; I can do math, just not super fast at it. Not really sure how I did…but, it’s a numbers game, and I did my two a day.

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Mrs. Jobseeker

Well, that’s me. I finished my paralegal course, which I loved, and am now trying to format some coherent explanation of what I’ve been doing for the last 20 years that might lead a prospective employer to give me a callback.  The psychology of jobsearching is interesting. The highs and lows are possibly more intense than normal. For example, last Friday, I worked all day and sent out 6 applications. I seem to average 30 minutes to 1 1/2 hours per application. I felt pretty excited by what I had accomplished; but, really, there is no accomplishment without a job or at least a response. The lack of response is disheartening. Sending hearfelt letters and a summary of my life out into the void daily starts to feel like a lonely, sad pursuit. By Monday morning, I felt pretty deflated. Who would want to hire me? I finally managed to send out a couple of email for jobs found on Craigslist.

Here are the stats for today:

Mr. Jobseeker – 6 applications

Mrs. Jobseeker – 2 applications

Baby Jobseeker – 2 applications.

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